About the Journal

Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation (NVAFRCI)

Aim & Scope:

Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research & Criminal Investigation (NVAFRCI) is a double-reviewed monthly publish articles that accepts research articles from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and students in Forensic Science and Criminology studies. Work after publication will be retrievable on the website bifurcated based on issues of the month and its publication date. Moreover, the journal serves the research world since June 2020.

The journal is wide and available for diverse intellectual and educational pursuits from all branches of Forensic Science to enrich the learning experience of the group readers.

The Periphery of the Subject Areas Includes:

  • Questioned Document
  • Cyber Forensics 
  • Criminal Investigation 
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Trace Evidence Analysis
  • Forensic Linguistics
  • Forensic Ballistics
  • Forensic Serology
  • Forensic Biology
  • Forensic Physics
  • Forensic Chemistry 
  • Forensic Microbiology
  • Forensic Botany
  • Forensic Genetics
  • Forensic Geology
  • Forensic Entomology
  • Forensic Engineering
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Forensic Toxicology
  • Forensic Archaeology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Forensic Odontology
  • Forensic Podiatry
  • Forensic Pathology
  • Forensic DNA Analysis
  • DNA Fingerprinting 
  • Fingerprint Studies and Dactyloscopy 
  • Forensic Photography
  • Forensic Law and Ethics
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Forensic Psychiatry

Editorial & Peer Review Process

Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research & Criminal Investigation (NVAFRCI) a double-blind peer review. Referees remain anonymous for the author during the review procedure and the author's name is removed from the article under review.

Only after publication, and only with the permission of the referee, the names of the reviewers are published in the article.

Two of the editorial board editors first assess each article and, if it is judged suitable for NVAFRCI, it is sent to two or three external referees for a double-blind peer review.

Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editors then decide whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised, or rejected. In case of revisions, a final decision on publication will be made after resubmission. If there is no agreement on the part of the editors, the editor-in-chief will make the final decision.

Editorial Board Responsibilities

Editorial Board Structure: The Editorial Board of the Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research & Criminal Investigation (NVAFRCI) comprises Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board members. Editor-in-Chief remains the chairperson of the board, hence allowed to take the final decision in any regard.

The Editorial Board's formation is done by incorporating global experts with excellent academic track records and expertise in the respective journal subject. There is no restriction on the number of Editorial Board members. Editorial board members must qualify the following major facts:

  • Should hold a Masters or Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject?
  • Must have a good publication record.
  • Should hold some academic position in Universities, Research Institutes, or other such organizations.

NVAFRCI Journal operates under an editorial board's guidance, providing expert advice on content, attracting new authors, and encouraging submissions.

The Editorial Board, or (Editorial) Advisory Board, is a team of experts in the journal's field. Editorial board members:

  • Review submitted artcles.
  • Advice on journal policy and scope.
  • Identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit.
  • Attract new authors and submissions.
  • Promote the journal to their colleagues and peers.
  • Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions where reviewers can’t agree on a decision.

Become Editorial Board Member or Advisory Board Member

We are on looking for professionals to be part of this Journal Editorial Board Member or Advisory Board Member. Your ideas and subject inputs may help in arranging special issues as per topics of your interest and choice. You will come across the latest research before everyone else. Research articles provided by the editorial board members will be published with a 50% discount.

To join as Editorial Board or Advisory Board Member mail your complete Biodata along with one Photograph to

articlesnyayikvigyan@gmail.com or editor@articles.nyayikvigyan.com.


“Editorial Board Members and Advisory Board Member do not receive any remuneration. These positions are voluntary.”

Publishers: Nyayik Vigyan Research & Publication Group