Focus and Scope

Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation (NAFRCI) is an International Fully Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Monthly Open Access Online Journal. The journal aims to increase the impact of research in both academic and industry, with a strong emphasis on quality and originality. The journal promotes to publish the articles in the field of Questioned Document, Cyber Forensics, Criminal Investigation, Crime Scene Investigation, Trace Evidence Analysis, Forensic Linguistics, Forensic Ballistics, Forensic Serology, Forensic Biology, Forensic Physics, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Microbiology, Forensic Botany, Forensic Genetics, Forensic Geology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Engineering, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Archaeology, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Odontology, Forensic Podiatry, Forensic Pathology, Forensic DNA Analysis, DNA Fingerprinting, Fingerprint Studies, and Dactyloscopy, Forensic Photography, Forensic Law and Ethics, Forensic Psychology, and Forensic Psychiatry.

Researchers may submit (1). Forensic and its Branches Articles (2). Review articles (3). Book Reviews (4). Short Communications/ Research Letter (5). Case Report (6). Letter to the Editor/Correspondence.

Nyayik Vigyan Articles of Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation (NVAFRCI) always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Forensic Experts, Students, and Faculties.