Reviewer Instructions

Articles submitted by Author(s) are reviewed by reviewers and without their support it is impossible to maintain the standards of peer-reviewed journals. The manuscript will be assigned to an editor, who in turn selects one or more editorial board members or reviewers to review it.

  • After receiving the invitation reviewer ought to verify whether the topic is within the area of expertise or not. He/she should intimate their availability to complete the review in given time
  • One can intimate us your opinion of accepting (or) declining the invitation. If you're unable to accept the invitation you can suggest any of your colleagues then editor may invite that person to review and you should not transfer your invitation
  • After accepting the invite, he/she ought to check the manuscript title page twice and acknowledgement for conflicts of information provided (about author(s), organization and funds)
  • Reviewer should have a glance at the relevant portions of the research paper and verify that it fits within the scope of the journal
  • One should contact the editor if there's any problem regarding time or conflicts of interest, based on that the editor may extend the deadline or cancel the review assignment
  • During the review process if it is found that the research paper is not suitable, then one can intimate it to the Editor
  • Reviewers aren't entertained to discuss regarding the paper with respective author(s)
  • We request reviewers not to use the information of the manuscript for their own use and to protect it from any sort of violation
  • Criticism should be given dispassionately and offensive remarks are not acceptable
  • Confidential remarks to be done and you may advise the editor for acceptance, rejection or modification
  • The final decision relating to modification, acceptance, or rejection of a manuscript rests entirely with the editor
  • Reviewer cannot save the copy of review and have submit it to the editor who is the decision maker



  • Quick processing of the paper.

Aspirants are encouraged to send their C.V./website linked to their C.V./biography, along with a recent photograph.